Daniel Richard Janetschek

Daniel Richard Janetschek
Daniel Richard Janetschek. An active empathetic business director, business angel, and popular community manager, who has written over 10K articles and projects about digital transformation, society, culture, lifestyle, media, policies, ethic, and smartcities, in 9 countries for over 30 years

Wars or viruses will not destroy our life and economy, if we change approach and keep constructive mindset.

Motivating and inspiring the people around is something I like doing. We can do better, together.

Interconnecting people, projects and corporates is my goal. Communication is key.

Looking after your most important investment, or best product, is my next target.

what I am doing

Going live everywhere
Daniel Janetschek on DirectorsTV24 StartupsTV24 Interview Apollaro
Interviewing entrepreneurs
Daniel Janetschek B2BALTIC Television 2018
Presenting business events
Talking about challenges
Daniel Janetschek Redaktion Pro Polizei Österreich TV
Moderating policy forum
Daniel Janetschek Video Press Directors TV 24 (4)
Coaching B2B networking
White Cross Union Webinars July with Daniel Janetschek Anna Liisa Kubo
Moderating webinars
Daniel Janetschek Smart&Digitalcities
Advocating innovation
Daniel Janetschek Macaggi JPG
Connecting live events
Daniel Janetschek E-Mail Advertising via Directors TV 24
Explaining new software
Daniel Richard Janetschek StartupsTV24
Pitching smart client´s startups
Daniel Janetschek About Regional Exchanges and Issues
Analysing regional exchange

my career in one shot

Since 2000 Provider of IT solutions and Webplatforms. Webmaster of top worldwide e-commerce

2014-2019 LinkedIn Influencer for corporate digital transformation into new media

Since 2014 Inventor of THE NORDIC BALTIC CHANNEL B2BALTIC with first B2B television platform ever

Since 2019 Launcher of the entrepreneurial initiative Smart & Digitalcities, and SMARTDY NETWORK

Smart&Digitalcities Movement

Since 2018 Initiator of
media format for executives, and FEMALE FOUNDERS TV

Since 2019 Starter of the European media platform for new police media for safer cities

2020-2024 board member of the official European initiative for smart&digitalcities of the White Cross International in the Nordics

Since 90´ rescue volunteer and driver for helping people in emergency. Now in the Red Cross. You can too!

Copyrights © 1993-2024 DANIEL RICHARD JANETSCHEK. 30+ YEARS INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. We are in Helsinki, Stockholm, Vienna, Vilnius, Warsaw, Riga, Tallinn, Berlin, Copenhagen, Oslo, Milan, Bologna, Forli, Lugano, Zurich, Linz, Innsbruck, Salzburg, Genoa, Pesaro, Bari, New York City, Washington, Saint Petersburg, Dubai. Legal notice: on this page all policies of Smartdy Media Network for cookies, privacy, disclaimer, terms and conditions are applied. The page is under development and might contain errors: for any legal or technical concern please do not hesitate to contact the platform´s provider help@thewhitecross.org . To contact me, please use the application form or connect with me on social medias.