
Smart & Digitalcities

initiative of entrepreneurs for smartcities: retailing, real-estate, energy, traffic, media

initiative of entrepreneurs for smartcities: retailing, real-estate, energy, traffic, media

in 2025 all best assets of our members and clients will be protected by a blockchain

25th September 2022. Smart&Digitalcities drives White Cross international into the world of the blockchains with ethereum and polygon, mobilizing hundreds of crypto objects and generating opportunity for digital medical assets: integration, copyright protection, sales. White Cross international (Janetschek) announces the beginning of new era for medical&rescue digitaltransformation, adopting NFT for assets-mobility.

01th June 2022. Smart&Digitalcities develops metaverse with the aim of integrating the virtual reality as well as the so called Web 3.0 into the health´s sector global. White Cross Union, the international rescue association has accepted the challenge, targeting first virtual realities for its medical practices.

30th June 2022 We have been helping White Cross in designing and producing the new collection of sommer uniforms for the volunteers and rescue officers. Helpers and angels need clothes, that´s it! You can support and get your uniform too now. The union of the rescue is also providing all-seasons uniforms both for services and ceremony or free time.

19th April 2022. Smart&Digitalcities helps the growth of the federation of “White Cross officers and volunteers”. The association develop medical sectors, crisis management, children´s protection and support social causes oriented to civil protection for peace. You can become an effective volunteer or officer of the rescue international. You can deal with emergencies and provide your help. For general volunteers, medical specialists, paramedic operators, officers interested in civil service for social well-being, for a better world.

17th March 2022. The short film about the Ukrainian police, the one produced by our sponsored channel “pro polizei tv”, has been featured by the ministry of the interior in Kiew and broadcasted to all Ukrainian police stations!! We are proud to have given a “moral” support to the local police in these difficult times, however keeping a neutral balanced attitude, focusing on the efforts of the police while protecting civilians during evacuations.  You can support support the first European channel pro police as member or TV sponsor.

28th October 2021-December 2021. We are successfully developing and providing the Austrian citizen movement “Pro Police” and the police media channel “Pro Polizei TV” with a functional podcast platform for audio-tracks broadcasting. Thank precise structuring and smart contents our platform has been already integrated into the big global player Spotify and Google Podcasting. We are working hard to build up a complete radio-speakers team. You can join the moderators-team or support the platform technically or financially. Required language: German and/or English. The English version for the Radio-Podcast in Helsinki is under construction, you can be part of the new Finnish team of media-makers!

15th August 2021. Why kids are important? Not only the movement Smart&Digitalcities but also the B2Baltic community of Nordic entrepreneurs wants to protect much more children in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Corruption, lack of law or failure of human rights may dramatically affect children´s safety and future. We are working on, involving ministry of interiors and justice. You can support children together with us: it´s your opportunity now to show what you can (for lawyers, human rights activists, sponsors). 

14th September 2021. The White Cross project is building up a new medical structure: a clinic in Tallinn (Estonia) and Riga (Latvia) with the purpose to improve public health´s industry. The clinic is going to provide assistance to members of the White Cross Association. You can support with us the development of the premises as developer, donor, investor or medical operator: it´s your opportunity now to show what you can (for developers of medical and emergency sector). 

24th July 2021. It´s finally online ready the new media platform “Pro Polizei TV” as the next generation of the police television. The media challenge first in Europe is developed in the Movement Smart&Digitalcities in Vienna. Together with the Austrian European Security & Policy Forum and the German movements “Pro Polizei” against street violence and new terrorism. Editor in chief Daniel Janetschek says “we need to restore respect for police officers in EU and provide them with better facilities, many stations are in worse conditions”. Next opening Helsinki. You can support creation of smart text/video contents, or you can sponsor the TV channel.

3rd May 2021. The disruption caused worldwide by the Covid has boosted the digital world and the home working. Entrepreneurs and corporates have understood how much important “doing webinars” is for the business health, and for the clients/partners retention. Now it is easier the booking process of a digital conference. We made Webinars Television Europe! Join the movement to enter the webinars channel and propose your upcoming webinars, for sales or presentations, or to support channel´s growth

28th March 2021. Our Austrian European Security & Policy Forum has crossed this month the 500.000 watchers in Austria and Germany. We are glad to report the growing success of this new media format for police operations or politic issues during the challenging corona times. We have empowered the TV redaction with new tools such us the “live” connection to “ZOOM” conferences of the new Police television Studio in Vienna and Berlin. Join the movement to enter the security forum (verified citizens only).

20th February 2021. It´s ready! The new platform for real estate objects sponsored by Movement Smart&Digitalcities is now available for agencies and sellers. However at the moment it will be adopted only in the European countries of Latvia and Estonia by community of entrepreneurs B2BALTIC from summer 2021. From Autumn will be operative also in Lithuania and Finland. Soon the integration with cryptocurrency-platform (for bitcoins) will be done. Join the movement to propose smart estates to buyers and investors, or to support the channels with your agency.


16th November 2020. We are moving the media channel for real estates “RealEstate TV 24” from Stockholm (Sweden) to Riga (Latvia). The format has been developed and dapted by Directors TV 24. Latvian office of the Movement Smart&Digitalcities is responsible for development of the channel on global scale, also integrating a new web platform for real estate agencies, constructors and agent´s networks. An example of digital transformation with the use of webTV, video advertising, integrated design, also in corona times. Join the movement to enter the realestate channel.

6th May 2020. Movement Smart&Digitalcities target a global improvement of communications and knowledge about Covid19: the issues, policies and lockdown disruptions. An experimental group of professionals and companies has been founded to fight all together against corona virus times. We interconnect the cities of Helsinki, Tallinn, Riga and Vilnius in the Baltic European area. Join the “Covid19 Baltic” group if you are resident .

24th March 2020. Global campaign to provide optimism to our members. A global challenge due to corona virus and the city-lockdown starts now. It´s gonna be difficult but you can use the quarantine time to rethink your business, or build a plan A+B, or consider the digitalization (web, online services, internet sales, smartphones, social media, etc) as a new strategy. Join as optimist member too.

17th March 2020. We officially join and propose together with some of our members to participate to “NVIDIA competition” against Covid19. A smart digital challenge based on the digital network of the NVIDIA gamers and specialists. Participants can “lend” their GPU digital power of their own computer to a global “calculation”. Scientists can use this high computer power for calculating viral scenarios and Covid activities mathematically. Smart initiative of the users of the most famous graphic-hardware in the world. Join the movement to help the cause with your technology

24th February 2020. Warning Campaign. You may want to go on vacation and you booked already your flight. Or you have a business conference to join in another country. It is understandable, but you should think twice about this time. The corona virus from China called Covid19 is around and could spread via airplanes. We are asking to suspend flights and close airports. Better no travels this month and next. If the virus goes on, the tourism industry will be damaged for longer.

1st July 2020. Movement Smart&Digitalcities has founded in the smartcity Vienna the Österreichisches Sicherheitsforum (Austrian National Security Forum) for an open discussion about city-unrest, demonstrations-law, violence against common facilities, shops, cars and police officers in the German speaking countries and especially focused to Austria. Our German, Swiss and South-Tyrolean are invited to the conference as well. The growth-speed is about 120 new members a month. Join the movement to participate to prestigious security forum with police-television.

22nd April 2020. We have proposed the governments of the Baltic countries Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania to open the internal borders between these 3 countries also during corona times and to facilitate economical exchange. The letter published on Facebook went viral on the network. The initiative has been approved and become operative by law. Join the Movement to ask support for your cause or idea.

22nd March 2020. After the earthquake in Croatia, we of the movement Smart&Digitalcities ask European Union Commission to decide the future of nuclear power plants build in the past at country-borders. Such plants should be moved, deactivated or even fined since in case of crash the neighbour country would be damaged as well without any opportunity to manage the crisis or prevent accidents. Do you want to amplify your word around the world too? Join us.

10th March 2020. We have open a global campaign to explain corona virus with a video in cooperation with a German video design company Kurzgesagt. Our target is to rise awareness of Corona Virus and the effect in the health-industry such as hospitals and clinics overloads. Join the movement to help us help others

25th January 2020. Smart&DigitalCities Movement want a clean social media. We have written a letter to Facebook to requires more attention towards user´s reporting. The lack in monitoring reports is causing a growing tendency to abuse, hate-speech and cyber-hacking. We have deployed several tests to demonstrate the failure of the Facebook Reporting System.

22nd June 2020. Movement Smart&Digitalcities has started the initiative “Pro Police” in Europe. The Police defends the State and democracy thereby extremely important matter. We want to underline that without a strong police, we cannot make smartcities a safe place. Anarchy want to damage this order in name of freedom, but in so doing it opens the doors to uncontrolled violence and terrorism. The action has a first result in Austria and the German-speaking area with the name “Pro Polizei Österreich” where we are  developing an organization “pro-city-safety” also using social medias, TV-broadcasting and apps. Got over 200 members first week. Join the movement to participate

17th April 2020. We believe that in the emerging northern east European countries there is a need of higher development of the health´s system, from emergency/rescue to hospitalization. We want to focus on Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, this time not only in the big cities, but also in the countryside. Our project proposes new models of medical rescue, new special ambulances for children, heli-ambulances, covid-units, and a new structure for volunteer social services based on the “White Cross” European model. We also want to create a federation of the White Cross Rescue Services. Next opening: Tallinn and Riga. Join the Movement to help others and become a White Cross Officer.

21st March 2020. Smart&DigitalCities movement ask GPay (the payment platform of Google) and PayPal to cooperate together and accelerate digital services during corona times. There is a growing need of digital payment at the store, using wireless technology NFC to use simply the smartphone to pay. Avoiding cash money is an important step towards digitalization. The digital currency fight against the possible spreading of the virus via coins and banknotes, scientists say. We however understand that many of our members love paying cash or dislike bank tracking: that´s also understandable. Join our blockchain development team.

14th January 2020. Our global campaign to start the new year. Smart&DigitalCities Movement meets agreement with DIRECTORS TV 24 for broadcasting the best business videos of our smartest members. Target is to show the best example of digital-transformation in retail, commercial realestate, general corporate-communications from 2020. Discussion is open.

24th May 2020. Movement Smart&Digitalcities supports the smart talk of geeks from all over the world based in Vienna. Everything online because Corona-Virus and decisively Anti-Corona disruption. It is the prestigious Mind-Changer 2020. Smartdy TV Networks in cooperation with Directors TV 24 join the cause. You can participate from 1st of July 2020 in English until Spring 2021. The “changers” are in Conferences, Interviews, webinars. Join as participant or candidate as a geek.

6th April 2020. Our campaign for a social experiment targeting a cooperation between hospitality industry and health ministry. We believe that smart hosts might provide new clients with a “quarantine” facility. It is much better to host quarantine-people than keeping close. The potential guests might be the ones who are coming from an international trip and must pass the 2 weeks restriction when they return. Join the movement with your hotel too.

19th March 2020. Global campaign to promote the digital transformation in the food industry in corona times. We believe that people should use online-orders to buy food right now. This also support the restaurant-world hit by corona virus disruption. E-commerce development and a smart local logistics are required. Issue: most of the restaurants in the world are not fit for this. Thereby the challenge is now open. The winners will be the ones who understand digitalization first. Join us to develop together with our tech geeks.

29th February 2020. Non-Smocking global campaign in corona times. Scientists have informed us that the smoke of cigarettes reduce the immune-system of the lungs and might be vehicles of the virus. It´s hard to stop smocking suddenly, but you have now one reason more to reduce your smoke. Do think about. Join the cause.

7th January 2020. The new year will be devoted to women in entrepreneurship even more than before. The program originally started in Stockholm went global. A real opportunity for digital transformers of two challenging worlds: the media and the crowdfunding. We of movement Smart&Digitalcities cannot stay out and we co-finance new TV series and interviews. A real opportunity for smart female minds and investors. Join the movement to enter our female founder team

our smart members participate on The Smartcities TV networks, make webinars and get interviewed

Our members comes from all countries of the world and different type of industries such us Information Technology, Automation, Retail, Real Estate, Manufacturing, Communication, Entrepreneurship Associations. We are able to go “on-air” even 24h/24 every day.

International movement of independent entrepreneurs for Smart&DigitalCities © 2014-2023. All rights are reserved or licensed by the respective owners. Development construction and digitalization of smartcities with TV Network. Legal Notice: Cookies, privacy policy, disclaimer, terms and conditions on all our pages according to Smartdy Television Networks Global Policies.